Illinois Issues

International Students Face A Host Of Problems During The Pandemic



Immigration and Customs Enforcement had announced that international students must take some of their classes in-person. If not, they could be deported from the United States. The Trump Administration just rescinded that decision. But many international students continue to face uncertainty during COVID-19. When he first saw the news from ICE, Sina Tayebati thought he might be getting deported back to Iran. He’s a graduate student studying mechanical engineering at Northern Illinois University. “It was so terrifying for all of us, for me and for my family, because we have spent a lot of money and we have invested a lot for me to come here,” he said. Amin Roostaee felt the same way, he was shocked. He’s a graduate student in the same department. “I'm in the middle of my research. And when I saw this news, I wondered, ‘Oh, what are we doing here? What would come to my research here?’ And if you believe it or not, I barely slept because of this news. It’s really embarrassing.” They were