Turning Point - A Gps For Your Success ~ Judith Harrison

To Be or Not to Be… what could it mean in modern Parlance?



"To Be or Not To Be, that is the question Is it better to live or to die?" It has been said that this phrase is probably the best known line from all drama or literature (see 'The Phrase Finder'). Though I am not an expert on Shakespearean literature, and though I do not intend to debate the intention inside the context of Hamlet, the phrase speaks to me today inside the context of living life well and, of all things, how the Network marketing fit into this!!!? I listened to a short (3 minute), powerful video by a young man and how he found a better way through network marketing. his passion, sincerity, and success begged my own thoughts around life lived passionately, network marketing, and why many people choose this 'better way' while many don't get the results for which they 'signed up'. when is NOW a good time to make a decision for Your Turning Point? www.judithlharrison.com; judithlharrison@rogers.com