Precious Lives

#100 Precious Lives: Breaking the Cycle of Violence



On June 11, 1994, Garland Hampton woke up around 10:30 am. He poured himself a bowl cereal, took a shower and went to a friend’s birthday party. That evening, Garland got into a fight with a fellow gang member. He pointed a 9-millimeter pistol at Donell Storks and shot him in the left side of the head. Both boys were 15 years old. Garland was arrested on homicide charges the next day. He wrote in his police report: “I feel very sorry about what happened.” Today, Garland is 37 and an inmate at Oakhill Correction Institute, a minimum security prison located just outside of Madison. He’s still sorry and is striving for redemption. Vivid Childhood Memories Garland Hampton has been in prison for over two decades, but his childhood memories are still vivid. "I can remember as a kid, running around the neighborhood, playing with other kids," he recalls. One of his fondest memories happened when Garland was about 8 years old. His grandfather took Garland and a cousin on his one and only trip