Super Scoop Of Consciousness ~ Cathleen, Kim & Trina

Exploring Creativity’s Contribution to Consciousness with Stephanie Richardson



What is creativity and what does creativity have to do with consciousness? Something? Nothing?  The connection is probably not obvious to most people.  What if inviting creativity into your life will create more consciousness for you and everyone and everything you come into contact with? What if exploring and discovering your unique creativity will create something new for you, something you’ve never considered possible? We can hear you all saying “I’m not creative” but that’s simply not true.  Every single being is creative in their own unique way.  Lots of you are creative in the ‘normal’ ways; you are artists, or painters, or photographers, you draw, you sing, you play music, etc.  Those are only a very few ways to be creative.  What is your way?  How do you define Creativity? Webster’s dictionary defines creativity as: the ability to make new things or think of new ideas; the quality of being creative; the ability to create. The 1800’s defined it as having the quality of creating; imaginative. Join us as