Beyond Your Wildest Genes

[BYWG PODCAST] The Serpent and the Butterfly



Dr. Ben Reebs is an award-winning naturopathic physician and the founder of Portland Clinic of Natural Health, an integrative medicine clinic that specializes in helping to resolve chronic disease with natural medicine. He is recognized as a leading expert in mind-body healing and alternative medicine and has appeared on Pain Free & Strong, The Spa Doctor, Alter Your Health, and more. He is a member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians and an active volunteer for the Naturopathic Medicine Institute. For more information on Dr. Ben Reebs and The Serpent and the Butterfly, please visit .fusion-fullwidth.fusion-builder-row-37 a:not(.fusion-button):not(.fusion-builder-module-control):not(.fusion-social-network-icon):not(.fb-icon-element):not(.fusion-countdown-link):not(.fusion-rollover-link):not(.fusion-rollover-gallery):not(.fusion-button-bar):not(.add_to_cart_button):not(.show_details_button):not(.product_type_external):not(.fusion-quick-view):not(.fusion-rollover-title-li