Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart

Are You An Approval Seeker? ~ Susan Lazar Hart



Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart Radio Show Seeking approval is all about not knowing you have value unless someone else says so. It is also about measuring yourself against some arbitrary standard that you may not even be aware of. The truth is, the only person who can be in approval of you is you! You are the only one who can know if what you are being or doing or saying works for you and is congruent with who you desire to be. Acknowledgement is saying what us in every ten seconds. One thing you can do immediately is to ask: “What would I like to create as my life and living?” rather than “Whose approval am I seeking now?” If you begin to look to what you desire to create and acknowledge what you are creating,you can quickly step out of seeking approval into the generative area of gratitude and acknowledgement. Join us this Wednesday for some great tools on how to create a life that works for you and not someone else! Send in your questions in advance to Come over to the Facebook grou