Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart

Have you been putting your self on hold? ~ Susan Lazar Hart



Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart Radio Show Yesterday I received a great question on Ask Susan  Hi Susan, Could you talk about different people activating different programs in us?  This got me asking some questions How many of us look at what someone else is doing, what someone else is creating, the relationship someone else has with their family, a partner or a friend and we say to ourselves…. Do you hear yourself saying "If only that was me". "If only I had the right body, enough money, a different lover, then I would have all of me". Join Susan Lazar Hart, Relationship Coach with Right Relationship for You as she invites you to discover more of you in every moment Would you like to let go of putting aside what you have been asking for? What if there was never a right time? What if now was your time for you? Ask Susan Now