Bottomless Broadway

Hamilton (Disney+)



You won’t have to wait for it any longer because our episode on Hamilton is now here! You’ll be back after listening to us discuss the Disney+ capture, camera angles, historical context, public criticism, and just how much of a weirdo Alexander Hamilton really was. — Watch Jonathan Groff talk to Steven Colbert about how his King George walk came about: Alysha Deslorieux amazed and astonished Christine as Angelica, and you can watch her take on Satisfied: David Rockwell’s She Loves Me set was quite a sight to behold, and you can check out a VR version here: Check out some hidden secrets in David Korins’s set: Watch Andy Blankenbueler break down the meaning of each movement in his choreography for My Shot ( and  Battle of Yorktown ( The critique of Hamilton is worth hearing out for its di