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Ep 36: My Hardest Lesson of 2019: on Confidence, Courage, and Faith



Today, I answer a listener Q about how my faith has affected my anxiety + confidence. If there are areas you are called to be more confident in, hear these lessons: Lesson #1: ACTION - Things are worse before you do them. Do them + it gets easier. Lesson #2: INDEPENDENCE - Separate disappointment/pain in their behavior, from the truth of their words/actions Lesson #3: GROWING - There is wisdom in getting help + growing in your own understanding. Lesson #4: TRUST + REST - Listen to the signs from the universe. Draw courage in these ways: #1: HISTORY - how you would act in another area of your life. Where else are you more confident?  #2: OTHERS -  Words you have been told, what others see to be true #3: ACTION - Write a script, journal, have conversations, gather evidence #4:ACTION - Say it + start, do #5: OTHERS - There are wise people around you who have answers, insights, feedback. #6: HISTORY - Make a list of everything I have and am to be proud of. Lean into your faith: #1: I am worthy of…. #2: I am