21 Grams Of Soul With ~ Lynda Walsh

Ready For More Soul And Money??



21 Grams of Soul with Lynda Walsh As you think about that question notice the choices you are making in your mind regard your answer. Have you made money decisions by using patterns that were indoctrinated into you ? Are you ready for this: *Clear all life –robbing blocks to having money *Delete Debt Permanently *Increase money awareness *generate money effecieantly and easily * open to receive money in a completely new way  “21  Grams of Soul” radio show host and Master Hypnotist Lynda Walsh will be interviewing Best selling author, International Speaker, Money Strategist and intuitive  Ken Foster. Ken is one of the country’s leading figures in the science of business and consciousness. Over the last 18 years he has worked with thousands of people who have increased their awareness, changed viewpoints and have transcended their limitations around around money,relationship,business and communication. Ken is gifting our listeners with a generous soul and money gift Go to www.soulnmoney.com/gift  and download y