Creating Beyond Reality ~ Heather Nichols

Chaos with Bodies ~ Guest, Katherine McIntosh



What can chaos with our bodies create?  Have you ever allowed your body to ride the waves of chaos?  What if chaos with your body was about getting out of judgment?  When you have total allowance — you have total chaos.  Ready to end the battle and the order of judgment of your body so that you can have the creative and generative energies of chaos instead?   If you allowed yourself to play with chaos, would it give your body a way of creating greater? Heather Nichols & Katherine McIntosh will be playing with all of this, today!  You can find more about Katherine McIntosh at Sign up for Katherine's FREE GIFT - No Judgment Diet Gift Play more with Heather and her show - Would you like to play with Heather, for 5 Days of Creating from Chaos? - sign up at #heathernichols