Creating Beyond Reality ~ Heather Nichols

What Does the Planet Have to Do with Your Business? Guest – Rebecca Hulse



Join Benevolent Capitalists Heather Nichols and Rebecca Hulse for a cutting edge conversation about business on planet earth in the 21st century.  What if your business could be a contribution to the planet?  And what if the planet could contribute to your business?  How can we express stewardship of the earth with our business activities and create thriving, profitable, sustainable businesses as well?  And what if this is what is required in order to have a planet that will not only survive, but thrive?   Heather and Rebecca are both Benevolent Capitalism Alumnae, Joy of Business facilitators, and leaders in the creation of business as way to generate and create more possibility on and for the planet.   Rebecca Hulse is a go-getting, risk-taking millenial. She is also a best selling author, creator of magnitude, International Speaker, and  Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator. Rebecca loves shaking up the supposed hard-set realities and paradigms kept in place over lifetimes. She sees a different reali