Creating Beyond Reality ~ Heather Nichols

Ease with Money; Guest ~ Blossom Benedict



What if money could be a contribution to your life rather than an area of stress?  Do you feel as if you are a slave to money, always trying to find it, get it, and never having enough of it?  What if there is a reality with money where you can actually choose it, be it, and create it with ease?  What if money was more available to you than you’ve been willing to know?  If that seems inconceivable to you, join Heather Nichols and Blossom Benedict for a dynamic conversation around money, ease, and possibilities. Blossom Benedict is an international speaker and transformational coach who has touched thousands of lives with the dynamic tools of Access Consciousness®. She spreads the message that anything you desire can be changed – and that it can actually be done with ease, joy, lightness, and – heaven forbid – even a little humor. A radio show host, empowering facilitator, and an accomplished actress – Blossom uses a unique combination of skills to get people out of their stories and into creating their life!