Creating Beyond Reality ~ Heather Nichols

Energetic Regeneration of the Mouth ~ Guest, Dr. Tom Kolso



What if you could re-grow teeth as needed? Banish plaque and tooth decay? Restore receding gums and bone? In Happy Mouth, everything in the mouth is looked at from a totally and completely energetic point of view. This is definitely different dentistry! Life time after lifetime, the mouth has an intimate relationship with survival - you communicate with your mouth, you take nourishment with the mouth, have sex with the mouth, and breathe with the mouth - so there's a whole lot of energy that can be 'stuck' or impacted here. Tom Kolso has been a dentist for 20 years. For the 17 of those years, he's been using Access Consciousness energetic tools in his practice, and has developed the Happy Mouth system. He always thought that something else ought to be possible with dentistry! Dr Tom’s website is