Creating Beyond Reality ~ Heather Nichols

Intimacy and Creation–Creating from YOU with Heather Nichols and special guest Tamara Younker



What if cultivating intimacy with you is one of the greatest ways to know what you would truly like to have as your life? When you can truly be the space of gratitude, honoring, trust, allowance, and vulnerability with you, the creation of your life and reality becomes dynamic, potent, fun, and easeful. What if you could be unstoppable? What if you could truly know what you would like to have as your life, and to go for it with ease, clarity, and joy? Intimacy is an energy that expands awareness, the willingness to demand a different possibility, and the capacity to perceive (and choose) what is required to create it. Join Heather Nichols and her special guest, Tamara Younker, a certified Access Consciousness Facilitator and Intimacy expert of magnitude, on this week’s show as they delve into this super juicy and expansive topic! Tamara travels the world facilitating Access Consciousness Core Classes, as well as a wide variety of specialty classes, and offering private sessions. She has been privileged to fac