Imperfect Brilliance ~ Betsy Mcloughlin & Kathy Williams

The Elegance of Living, Guest: Natalie Krishna



Would you enjoy living a more luxurious life? Would that be fun for you? Would it be enjoyable for your body? What if living that way could be easier than you've made it out to be? We'll explore what a life of luxury truly means, with guest Natalie Krishna. Natalie has created a life of luxury and elegance after her early married years were anything but that.  She artfully directs her life to achieve everything she sets her heart and mind to. Her love of makeup and shoes has allowed her to create heaven on Earth.  Christian Louboutin used her pictures on his site.  Natalie incorporates her bubbly, fun-loving personality into everything that she does and is a gift to everyone she meets. Natalie is an inspiration to anyone who feels trapped and hopeless that their life will ever change. She is an example that Choice is still Possible no matter what your situation and continues to challenge what’s possible by living a life beyond her wildest dreams. Visit Natalie's website here: Play more