Unchained With Becky Herdt

Shopping for a New Reality ~ Becky Herdt



What if you could choose a new reality with as much ease as you could buy a new shirt?  What would it take to start asking what it is you desire?  What would you like to create in your life, to have as part of your life?  Who would you like to play with?  Then, what if you could try different things on to see how they fit?  What if it is as simple as playing with the energies of what’s possible, of what that life might be like – and see if it suits you and seems fun for you?  Join us as we chat about looking at your life as it is now, seeing what works and what doesn’t.  And come prepared to shop!  There is a whole new reality featuring exactly what you desire….just waiting for you.  Is now the time? Becky Herdt is a Business and Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, Radio Show Host, Author and Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator who finds great joy in working with people and organizations to discover what unique talents and capacities they already have – especially those things hidden from view! www.uncha