Unchained With Becky Herdt

Unchained from the Wrongness of You ~ Guests Tom Knapp & Max Riggs



You know those moments – there is a slight hiccup in your world and immediately you go to the wrongness of you.  If only…I should have….What was I thinking?  WTF?  Realizing that none of those are REALLY questions – what else is possible to help us step into something different that being wrong?  What if it is as simple as choice?  I’ll be joined by two magical men, both high level and powerful facilitators – who bring multiple modalities to the table when facilitating people to choose more of them: Tom Knapp – the genius behind ‘Choose to Choose’.  His embodiment of possibilities beyond the judgments and limitations of this reality allow him to facilitate people in not only recognizing they have choice, but supporting them to actually choose. Email Tom: tomknapp@mindspring.com Max Riggs – works with clients and groups that are ready to change anything and everything.  He plays BIG and quickly takes us to and through the limitations we have decided are solid. He has a way of explaining energy and change in a