Kate Hastings Show

Emotional Regulation with Ali Rosen



Everyone has their own definition of success, whether that’s high performance at work, increased financial means, having meaningful interpersonal relationships, fulfilling their passions, overall well-being, or a combination of all the above. Emotional regulation may be the “not so secret” skill! Emotional regulation is the ability to exert control over one’s emotions by effectively coping with these feelings in order to desirably respond to situations. In the past, studies have shown cognitive abilities relating to one’s performance at school and work. However, more recent research depicts a relationship to a boarder range of “successes” such as greater well-being, increased income, and enriched social relationships to emotional abilities. So is emotional regulation the key to success? Perhaps, but it can definitely allow us to feel better and enjoy the journey to our successes (Isn’t that what it’s all about?!