3 Minutes With Kent

Automating JavaScript Air



I've automated a ton of stuff for JavaScript Air (https://javascriptair.com). There's definitely still more to do, but I'm pretty happy with how much is automated. You can find most of the automation stuff in the npm scripts (https://github.com/javascriptair/site/blob/master/package.json#L7-L38) in the package.json (https://github.com/javascriptair/site/blob/master/package.json) in the repo (https://github.com/javascriptair/site). Many of these reference scripts found in the other directory (https://github.com/javascriptair/site/tree/master/other). Automation is great. In fact, this very episode used some of the automation found in this repo to make it mono and compress the audio. As I often say: Saving time is not the only reason to automate workflows (http://kcd.im/automation). See you on twitter (https://twitter.com/kentcdodds)!