Patience & Hustle Daily

The Best Way to Grow Your Client Base



Right now, reach out to your current client base, and ask them to introduce you to three of their friends.. You need to make more money and grow this new business you have, and you think the only way to do that is to go out and knock on every door, send everyone a Direct Message, to spend money on advertisement. That is one way to do it, but there is a more effective way, to show quicker results.  Getting your current client base to introduce you to at least 3 of their close friends, whom they think could benefit from your products and services, is the easiest way to start growing. Pick up your phone and either call, or send a video to your current client, asking them this. “If you have received any value from my products and services, would you introduce me to 3 of your friends who could also benefit from the products and service that I offer?” What will they say? If they find your products and services of any value, and they should, they will gladly introduce you to 3 of their friends.  Why is thi