Patience & Hustle Daily

Knowledge is NOT Power


Sinopse to check out the new guide to start your own podcast, as well as new shirts and hats!    Knowledge is NOT Power You’ve heard knowledge is power. Well, I’m here to tell you that is wrong. Knowledge is not power.  Knowledge alone hold no power without action. I recently met up with a buddy of mine, Eric Jones, who you can find on Instagram as Doctor Dapper. He is the owner of LFLS Shoes, like father like son, and Riff Marketing. He started giving me some really great advice to improve my Instagram page, and grow my brand.  Later that day I started listening to a book called “The 12 Week Year” by  Brian Moran. In the beginning of the book he starts talking about this concept of “knowledge is power” is in correct, and that without action, knowledge is useless. That really got me thinking about what Eric had told me to do about my branding, and Instagram page.  There are two options: 1- I can just keep doing what I do and ignore the knowledge I was given, or 2- I