Patience & Hustle Daily

Patience & Hustle Daily - "Adapt" rather than "React"



Sometimes you can have what seems like, a million things go wrong in a day.   You could start off by burning yourself on the stove, then have a flat tire, be late for a meeting, lose a client, get into a wreck, lose your wallet, stub your tub, forget to let the cat back in, and accidently leave grandma at the supermarket. It happens. Joking about the grandma part!   There are days, you know you’ve had them, where it seems as if nothing is going your way. One thing after another is not working out. It’s not how you react to these situations, it’s about how you adapt. To react is to “respond or behave in a particular way in response to something.” To Adapt is to “Make something suitable for a new use or purpose.”   When something goes presumably not in the way you intended, if you “react” you’re simply just responding, and not doing anything about. You may complain, or waste time, or pass blame. If you adapt to that same circumstance, then you are taking action on it. So something doesn’t go according plan, rat