Patience & Hustle Daily

Patience & Hustle Daily - Focus on the value



You need to be creating content every day. Don’t get caught up in the impressions, the likes, the shares, or that stuff. Get caught up, in giving value. When you get caught up in giving value, the real engagement with your audience will naturally take place. Too often, you get caught up in the numbers game. How many followers, how many likes, how many comments, how many impressions, how many clicks. Shift your focus from the numbers you get in, to the value you give out. The best way to give value is to teach someone something, that can solve their problem. Useful information, that is clear, concise, and actionable. That is the type of content you should focus on. It’s okay to create content that is just there to look nice, and help tell a story. Creative videos, or pictures, with great context that tell a really captivating story, those are great. It solves the problem of people looking for entertainment, something fresh, something unique. So stop worrying about numbers you get from your content, and focus o