Peggy Willms

Coffee Time ~ Rebel "WITH" a Cause - Just Be"CAUSE" (Guest: REBEL, Elaine Clark)



Have you ever known a Rebel someone who seems to buck the system, bucks you or even bucks themselves just about every single time you want to do something or even when you say something? Maybe you are a Rebel yourself. It can be exhausting for everyone involved. Join me and one of my favorite REBEL Clients, Elaine Clark. We will share some of our favorite Rebel times together and perhaps you can learn about your own Rebel tendencies to help improve your wellness and quality of life. WISH ME LUCK. Coffee Time with Coach Peggy is an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coach answers questions, shares strategies and concepts about All Things Wellness. Once in a while, special guests will stop by to chit chat about a variety of subjects. Every week is different. Grab a coffee and join us.