Lisa Berry

Activate and Embody Your ‘Light Body’ Energy of Your Higher-self and Soul



Activate and Embody Your Light Body Energy of Your Higher-self and Soul After healing herself from over 10 years of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, 3 back surgeries, and living in a wheelchair, Martha Blessing returned to her ancestral roots as a 3rd generation spiritual channel and healer. As a result, Martha immersed herself in holistic studies and spiritual development and began to channel healing messages, insights, and light-filled meditations from the highly-evolved beings known as Gracon. If one is experiencing something other than health, vitality and joy, they need only to connect with, restore, and express their unique essence of divine love and light, because illness cannot live in the presence of the Divine! Author of God Is A Pink Cloud, creator of the Love Meditation, Soul Light Healing Holograms, and the Divine Healing Blueprint, Martha is the of Founder of the Soul Light Healing Academy. She is a medical medium, energy intuitive, channel healer, and health advocate. Todays conversation could chang