Hollywood Late Night With Rocco

Wrestle Mania Rocco Style



Join Jurassic Jen, Rocco and Kevin Dewitt the twit, as they partake in a deep discussion about the World Wrestling Federation of old and the new WWE.  The cast shares their love for what Kevin calls, "Carolina Theater".  Rocco hired Special Guest, Josh Tariff, aka Christian Rosenburg whose been working in the  professional wrestling business for over a decade. You can find Josh on Cameo, which lets you book personalized videos from your favorite people. Hear how he got body slammed during one of his first matches as Referee.  Jurassic Jen was in "The Sleeper" this entire episode. Kevin was on crack. Enjoy some great banter about some of the all time greats and wrestling icons such as Macho Man Randy Savage, The Ultimate Warrior and The Undertaker. And hear about some of the newer guys on the scene such as Josh's good buddy John Morrison, The Miz, and Kevin Owens. Play along with the cast in a round robin tournament of some sorts called the "WWE Ultimate Quiz".  Learn the Pros finishing moves, and get correcte