Happy Body - A Serena Podcast

Hip Release Therapy 2: Soft Like Warm Butter



If you are experiencing pain or tightness in your hips, there might just be a physical cause like sitting for too long on a plane or at the office. Or maybe a workout triggered it. But why your hips? Or why that particular part of your hips and why that particular pain? There may be a straight-line physical explanation. But there might also be an emotional trail that you can uncover. The hips are one of those places where we encode our trauma or our fears. When we have tightness or pain or soreness in these areas, it can mean that there is a repressed fear that has been encoded as a physical memory there. This pain can be an invitation to face that fear, to let go of being scared, to stop running away or trying to hide from it. So you can use these exercises to uncover and even release these negative energies and emotions. Or, if that all sounds too hippie-dippie or nothing comes up for you in this emotional excavation, you can just enjoy the softening and relaxing effect that these movements will have on the