Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

4. Allen Brouwer - From Rock-Bottom To 30 Under 30



“There’s no such thing as natural born talent.” Rewind to December 2014 and my guest today was at rock-bottom. With a negative bank account he couldn’t even afford to buy his fiance a Christmas card. But it was in this lowest of places that Allen Brouwer found the clarity he needed to transform his life. Faced with the cold realization that he’d been a ‘wantrepreneur’ playing at business, he decided to stop pointing the finger elsewhere and take 100% responsibility for his life. Now, just three years later, Allen has created remarkable success from nothing. He became a self-improvement junkie who studied the world’s top-performers and frantically implementing everything he learned. His investment in himself paid off. He co-founded BestSelf.Co - a winner of Shopify’s first Build a BIGGER Business competition. He made the Forbes 30 Under 30 list in 2016, and is a sought after scale and growth coach. “Know that anything you want to do is 100% possible. The only limitation you have i