Nature Check

The Dance of the Bumblekits | Wyldrvir One-Shot



Join Sheryl, Ryan, and three special guests for a special World of Wyldrvir one-shot adventure!Amalthea, Heulwen, Bel, and Zeeker are given a task at the ranger station in the forest just outside of Torin. A group of 5 bumblekits have gone missing from their home farm! The group must navigate the forest before nightfall, withstand wild magic effects, and subdue various creatures in order to succeed in their quest to return all of the bumblekits safely to their home.REFERENCE SECTIONFollow us on Twitter:Nature Check: @CheckNatureBee/World of Wyldrvir: @wyldrvirJaye/Amalthea: @jayeperviewSebastian/Belasko: @spiderdayNightSheryl/Zeeker: @RvingNaturalistRyan/Heulwen: @EntemneinChannel art by Sheryl/The Roving Naturalist