Adventures In Spirit & Entrepreneurship By Natasha Senkovich

19: George Kao - Finding your true livelihood and living in peace and bliss



George Kao is a coach who helps people create their "true livelihood", which he defines as work that is mentally challenging, spiritually growing, and financially sustaining. George, at one point in his coaching career, was making around seventy thousand per month when he realized that he was not helping most of his clients reach their goals and desires. He then decided to give all his information products away for free, and only charge a reasonable fee for his time as a one-on-one coach. In today's interview, George pulls back the curtain of the world of internet marketing guru's and shows us the reality of the results most students are getting after signing up for expensive coaching programs and buying marketing information products. He also shares many of his realizations and pearls of wisdom he gained after years of being a high-end marketing and success coach, and why he decided that this was not a fulfilling or joyful path