Truly Madly Smiley

Episode 64 – The One with all the Surprise Gifts



Well! What a year 2020 has been. We weren't expecting that, were we? As the magic of Christmas beckons, it's time to see if it has left us any surprise gifts under the Christmas Tree. I've made you a hot chocolate with marshmallows, so come and sit with me for some festive chit-chat.   Here’s what you’ll hear this episode: A reflection on this year and how challenging situations have gifts to bear. Why too much of a good thing is bad for you. How you can learn to appreciate what you have and what's good in your life. I'm going to offer you gifts and you can choose which one you want to take.    Helpful Smiley stuff for this episode:  Janine Kreft is the fantastic lady that does intuitive dance on Instagram that I mentioned. If you're looking for Christmas gift inspiration, check out my Smiley Thought Cards or grab a copy of my book 'Stuck Between Two Worlds'. An ideal gift for a tween who wants to belong and is feeling a bit lost or left out. Find out more about The Courage Chats, or beco