3 Minutes With Kent

Why I don't have tests for my blog



What is up my friends so I'm a little bit late today, sorry but it is January 6, 20 21 and I'm excited to talk about testing so I had a bug on my website kidsdance.com slash contact where you'd fill out a contact form and one of the things that happens is server side validation, so that uses a serverless function that I have running on Netlify, it is great, it's awesome the way that it works but yeah one of what it does is it uses a,NPM module called OW to do validation and on my website. I pretty much just like every week when I write a blog post I just update all the packages sometimes. I'll take a look at some of the breaking changes like major version bumps and stuff but often I just like I pull up and ship it because I don't really care and that's actually kind of what I wanted to talk about is. I I do have some tests on my website. I have one or I,Handful of unit tests and then a cypress test that just makes sure that you can pull it up and and click on this on a link and stuff so I know that at least i