3 Minutes With Kent

Watch your own talks



What is up friends it is the fifth of January Tuesday 2021 and today I want to talk about why I watch my own talks and workshops and listen to my own podcasts and all that stuff so I know a lot of people who give talks and say that like one of their least favorite things to do short of talking in front of people is listening to themselves talking front of people and I I don't share that feeling. I I don't dread listening to myself talk on like,Podcasts or wherever I but I I it's not like I just do it as a what's the I can't remember the word so many just loved myself whatever that word is but um, the reason I was thinking about this was just because in my blog post that I was yesterday, it was my review of 2020. I mentioned how like I think it's important to review your you know, how things go and so I said that I watch almost every talk and video.Cast that I produce and I use that as an opportunity to identify ways to improve and I think that that's really important so if you're the type of person that just