The Tai Lopez Show

The Tai Lopez Show: The 3 Rules Of Managing Your Emotions



Published on 24 Dec 2018. “You don’t need a college degree to understand social media.” - Tai Lopez (click to tweet) Go to to download their FREE “Crushing the Five Barriers to Growth” We all want to make more money. But our emotions often get in the way of this goal. On the path of entrepreneurship, we are constantly greeted by the tsunami of human emotion. When we’re first getting started, the struggle for clients might cause depression and anxiety. And on the other end of the spectrum, when the workload becomes overwhelming, we can get anxious and stressed. Knowing how to sift through these complex emotions is the key to success. That’s why on today’s episode of The Tai Lopez Show, we are discussing how to manage our emotions. In the pursuit of profit, we can often become overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, and any other crippling feelings. Tune in to this episode to learn how to keep a level head during the toughest of times for the entrepreneur!   Don’t forget! You can also listen to Th