

Listen to PodcastIn the increasingly commoditized market of financial services it has become more important for investment advisors to differentiate themselves. One method has been to offer a new financial product that either has more bells or whistles such as an insurance product. The strategy of the mutual fund complex is to offer the next ‘must have’ investment product that will help you ‘check off’ another box in your asset allocation or peddling the fund-of-funds retirement product with a name of the year you would like to retire. Another recent fad has been to offer exclusive access to the hottest ‘hedge fund’ manager last year. While each of these investment strategies may be appropriate for some investors, we believe the simplest approach that can achieve a client’s goals with less fees and is easy to understand is probably the best. For instance, a client may want income in retirement. An old-fashioned laddered bond portfolio combined with a simple term life insurance policy may achieve the s