Musings On Astrology With Lynn Hayes

Musings on Astrology: The climax of the Cardinal Drama and what comes next



Musings on Astrology is an astrology talk show offered every Sunday morning at 11 am Eastern. Your host is Lynn Hayes, astrologer since 1983. This week marks the peak of the planetary intensity that some astrologers have been calling the "Cardinal Cross" because of the tight alignment of planets in the "Cardinal" or action signs. In today's show we'll be discussing the impact of this big astrological system, and what we can expect in the coming months. How can we use this powerful energy we've been experiencing? What steps can we take to bring lasting change into our lives where alterations are necessary? These are some of the things we'll be talking about in today's radio show. There will be time in the second half of the show for you to call in with questions about your own chart. I like to begin with first-time callers to give more people an opportunity to have their questions answered. The call-in number is 646-478-5731. These calls are best suited to a particular question - there is