Persuasion With Erin Straza And Hannah Anderson

Episode 200 | For God and Country? with Kaitlyn Schiess



In this episode of Persuasion, Erin Straza and Hannah Anderson kick off their fall series called For God and Country. Each episode of the series will tackle an aspect of how faith and politics collide. To get the conversation started, Erin and Hannah host fellow Christ and Pop Culture writer Kaitlyn Schiess. Kaitlyn is a seminary student and bright thinker with a new book releasing September 8 from InterVarsity Press titled The Liturgy of Politics: Spiritual Formation for the Sake of Our Neighbor. She wrote this book to help fellow Christians recognize the formative power of the political forces all around us and then to help us recover historic Christian practices that shape us in faith so that our political engagement is more effective. Considering the stress most people experience in political conversations, this is one area we could all grow in!