Persuasion With Erin Straza And Hannah Anderson

Episode 195 | Looking Ahead in a Viral Age



We’re a people that loves to manage every scenario and have backup plans for every contingency. So what happens when the whole world screeches to a near halt and all the data we’ve used for decision making is no longer valid? Well, for most of us, this has produced a not so insignificant level of anxiety. As much as we like looking ahead toward the next thing, it’s tough to come to terms with something when the variables are unknown. In this episode of Persuasion, Erin Straza and Hannah Anderson wrap up their Growing Viral: Well-Being in the Age of Corona series. For this conversation, Erin and Hannah discuss how we accept our new reality that is largely unknown to us. Despite experts best guesses, no one knows how long the pandemic will last, what impact it will have on our society for the future, or if our global economy will recover. Our normal may be long gone, leaving in its place room for something new.