Murphy On Money

Ep18 - Motivate Your Money - 5 Steps for Getting Your Money Working For You



In this episode of Murphy On Money Murphy shares the audio of a presentation he gave called Motivate your Money! A 5 step process to get what you want from your money! Listen to this episode to get motivated and a game plan for your money! __ You CAN take control of your finances and create financial abundance in your life! I am a testament to what's possible. I went from broke with more bills than money - to financially stable with growing investments! It starts with the right plan. I used this exact process to get control and stay on track. Now you can too with the Motivate Your Money process. Grab a pen and paper and follow along with this activity based episode. You'll learn each step of the process and how you can get started! Anything is possible with desire, determination, and a plan!Get started! If you get stuck, have questions, or simply want help with the process you can reach me at