Innovation Happens

Episode 53: Startup Village



Located on ASU’s Polytechnic Campus, Startup Village is a residential community where students can collaborate, innovate, and connect with other entrepreneurial students. In this episode of the podcast, ASU students Pooja Addla Hari, Maccoll Nicolson, Amirali Sabzehparvar, and Jared Hsu share their Startup Village experience as a place to not just learn about innovation, but live an innovative life in a community of like-minded individuals. Join us as we learn about each of their start-up ventures, the opportunities they’ve been able to take advantage of by living in Startup Village, and how this community has helped them overcome hurdles and leave a legacy for other students who want to startup their own ventures. Have you downloaded the Sun Devil Rewards app? Each week we provide you with a "secret word" valid for 100 Pitchfork Points good for redeeming ASU gear and VIP experiences. This episode's Sun Devil Rewards "secret word" will expire at 11:59 pm on Thursday, June 27, 2019.