3 Minutes With Kent

How to test Redux



Hello everyone. So today I want to talk about testing redux. So I know that I don't really use redox like a lot of people know that I am not a huge fan of redux any redex project. I worked in would just became very difficult to work in. But I know that a lot of people are using redux and especially if you are probably using redux tool kit, which is great. So anyway, as far as testing redex goes. You shouldn't actually ever be testing redex. You pretty much always want to test the components that are using redux.And only sometimes when you have maybe something that's really complicated and redex or something you should probably extract that complicated logic into its own pure function and test that by itself. But most of the time you don't need to bother most the time just rest the components that use redex you wrap your component inside of the the redex store provider and everything and and and then just test it as if it's not using redex and the benefit to this is if you decide that oh this state doesn't nee