3 Minutes With Kent

Creating Content: My Secret to Learning



Hey there friends So none of you are content creators none of you aspire to that or anything but I kind of want to change your mind on that a little bit. Creating content isn't just for the people who are out there creating content and getting paid for it like me or whatever I didn't start getting paid with the concept that I create and much the content. I create is actually not paid. My but like I often actually get asked about like, how do you learn stuff and and how do you like know the stuff that you know. And and my answer is that I kind of cheat and I say, hey, I want to learn about. How to use Angular with React and so I'm going to make a conference talk proposal that is that. So, I know it's possible. I just I've never done it before maybe but I know that it's possible. So I'm going to make a conference talk proposal. It gets accepted and so now I have like, I'm forced to go and learn this thing. And in the process of creating that content, I'm learning a lot about both of these frameworks. So creatin