3 Minutes With Kent

Why I Have 0 Followees



Hey folks so I guess I need to do this because people keep on bringing it up and so I'm just gonna mention it. If you aren't aware a month or two ago, I unfollowed everybody on Twitter and now I follow zero people on Twitter and I changed to lists and so the reason that I mentioned this is because a lot of people see this as some sort of power move or some nefarious purpose. I've done this. I don't know. I don't understand why people have yeah and I know that not everybody has but several people have assigned some now intent to the fact that I don't follow anybody on.Twitter I use lists and so it's not like I don't keep track of what people are doing or whatever I just found the the reason that I did this was because the Twitter algorithm just messes up my list or my my home feed really bad. I just didn't like what the Twitter algorithm was doing and so I said, hey, well, I'll just unfollow everybody and I'll use a list instead and it's been great. I use tweet deck and it I'm able to segment the people that I