3 Minutes With Kent

Use ASTExplorer.net to deepen your understanding of JavaScript



Hi there friends So today, I wanted to talk about understanding the syntax of JavaScript. Now, I most of us when we're learning JavaScript, we are introduced to each part of syntax and some of its capabilities and we just kind of learn about that syntax through experience of working with it and there's nothing wrong with that approach that's pretty like the the best way to learn anything is really just practical application. But there are often things that you skip over when you just focus on practical application ofThe of knowledge And especially if JavaScript is the first language that you learn maybe because it does borrow syntax from other languages. Maybe there are things that you just don't know are possible or don't really have a good good grasp on because you don't understand the fundamentals of that syntax in particular. So what I'm going to suggest to you is that anytime you see some syntax that you're not super familiar with or you think it's one way but things aren't working the way that you expec