3 Minutes With Kent

Use TypeScript any/unknown/casting when you're getting started



Hey there friends. So today I wanted to talk about TypeScript again, and I want to talk about adopting TypeScript. So when I first started into TypeScript I was working. I I'd been doing flow for a long time and then I switched over to TypeScript. This is at PayPal. And one of the first projects that I used TypeScript in was this project called PP React, which is short for PayPal React. It was a component library. And I I was working with a lot of abstractions as my first and my first foray.Into TypeScript and when you work with abstractions sometimes you the typings for those things can be a little bit more complicated than when you're just like doing everyday consuming of abstractions or calling functions or making reactant components or whatever. And so it was a little bit more challenging but then I made it even more challenging because I tried to make an abstraction for some of the the components that I was using that was a higher order component and if you have experience with types and higher order com