Reel Travels With Lisa Iannucci

#43: Tired of just dreaming about travel? Feeling stuck? This podcast can help.



Welcome to Episode 43 of Reel Travels. I’m your host Lisa Iannucci and I am also your film and tv travel guide. To finish out my Reel Travels podcast for 2020, I decided to bring you just one more crossover interview I did for my podcast The Write Start. On that show, My guest Merrit Minnemeyer and I talk about achieving dreams, and knowing when the right time is to go for yours. With a new year, it’s a perfect conversation to have for those who have personal goals including traveling so let’s get started.  Thank you so much for listening to Reel Travels podcast. Please follow me on Instagram @thevirgintraveler and if you have a minute, maybe leave me a review on this podcast? Or click on those iTunes stars. It would really help me out.  I want to remind you that if you are an RVer traveling around to all of your favorite film and tv locations, you can park your RV at one of Harvest Hosts members sites, which includes wineries, breweries and farms. To save you money on your annual membership, you can use my