Pawsitively Pets With Sandy Robins

Is Fluffy Fit to Fly?



  Traveling with Fluffy or Fido is becoming more the norm as pets now frequently travel with thir familites. Yes, even on planes. But the process of bringing fluffy along can be difficult and timeconsuming and its possible, unless everything is in order you caould arrive at the airport and not have all of Fido's T's crossed or I's dotted, in which case, your pet may not be able to fly. Then what? Alsaka Airlines and Banfield pet Hospitals have teamed up to simplify the process and give you assurance everything your four legged family member needs to fly is in order, icluding a helath inspoection and all documentation. Today our guses from Alsask Air and Banfield explain the prceedure andasnswer a lt of questions about Flying with Fluffy.