Joseph Farley Show

9 – Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency In Media with Samit Singh



Samit Singh is one of the co-founders and CEO of DNN, or Decentralized News Network, a news platform which combines news creation with decentralized networks to deliver factual content being approved by the community before it gets published. One of the main aims of DNN is to eliminate fake and biased news using blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. Samit believes we’re all living in this giant eco-chamber and reading things that are confirming our own biases. The difference as far as the blockchain is concerned is the token aspect. With crypto-economics, they’re trying to get writers and journalists to act in a way that they want them to act, which is acting for the good of the network. By having something that you could lose, something that has actual monetary value, you’re psychologically conditioned to act for the good of the network and adhere to the editorial guidelines as a reviewer and properly review the article before it gets published. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!