CJ Liu

Frozen in Fear and Going No Where? - Help is on the way Host CJ Liu and Ragini Michaels



C.J. Liu, host of Fire it UP with CJ and Ragini Michaels an internationally recognized speaker in behavioral change and author of "Unflappable: 6 Steps to Staying Peaceful and Happy No Matter What" continue their exploration of the mystics perspective on our complex web of human emotions. Have you ever self-inflicted pain by feeling guilt, anger, jealousy, fear of failure, or being an obsessed with perfection? Did you wish all these feelings and emotions would just go away? These shows will be your ultimate go-to guide anytime you feel one of these fear-based emotions and want to get to a better place both spiritually, physically, and emotionally. What comes after Fear-- LOVE Easy to say, hard to do. We'll discuss how you can travel the mystics path from Fear to Love.